Some of the coolest people I have gotten to know are you!
You all have a unique style, a unique story and a different reason for serving and that makes you so special to this program and to our hospitals!
Our Team has grown so much!
We have successfully had almost 20 senior project individuals come through and surpass any expectations we could have had.
Way to go kids! We are so glad you were able to use this time of service as a time to learn and reflect in your schooling.
We have also had many college students in and through our program, as of late, and again we are writing recommendation letters for those who have been successful in their tasks and serving at least 6 months in our program. Hats off to you all for everything you do!
Now I want to mention a few of the special volunteers that have been here for years as well.
We have had the Osmond's volunteering here for years, and guess what they are still here just working from home now!
Larry and Norma work diligently for our Labor and Delivery team building birthing kits to give to our new mommies and daddies in the Mountain View Hospital.
This amazing couple has also done some super fun special projects for our team!
Norma hand crafted some amazing little moral boosters that we were able to pass out for ST. PATRICKS DAY. Thank you so much Norma, they have been a huge hit!
Our Spotlights are some amazing assets as well.
Myrna and Dave Newell have been a fantastic power couple here for years and they are so very amazing!
Thank you both for all you do!
Zaira Sanchez an amazing Jr. Volunteer
She has been with us for her senior project and continues to work diligently through our program.
Thanks for always coming ready to work and put forth the extra effort to make things amazing.
Thanks for all you do!
Our Admissions staff and lobby volunteers have been fun to work with for our St. Patrick's Day
special project! Thank you all for your efforts in that area!
This has been a super fun project and talk about the happy faces we
have seen! WOW!
Okay Folks a Fun Story.
Our new volunteer Kathy has been serving the community and the hospital in a very amazing way!
She has found a really fun way to give to the community and help us all out.
Kathy has been making masks for the schools, the community, and our hospital.
She is a wonderful, hardworking volunteer that has dedicated her sewing skills in making over 7800 masks and she is still going strong.
I tell you folks, this lady is fun and creative. We now have masks for the kiddos that come to the hospital.
It's so awesome to offer the kids a Mickey mask, or a Peppa pig mask, flowers, puppies, Spiderman,
you name it, she has really just been a blessing to our team.
Also Kathy is volunteering in various spots in the hospital and that has been very helpful as well.
She has provided Valentine's masks for our staff as well as ST. Patrick's day masks.
They were such a hot commodity that even the doctors have been coming to my desk asking for more.
So a HUGE shout out to you!
Each of our departments loved their masks Thank you Kathy!
More News
March 16th Blood Drive, hosted by Mountain View Hospital, partnering with the American Red Cross.
We were very pleased with the drive overall, and the willingness of the donors to share this life saving gift.
I thought you would be interested in hearing the finals results. You had 23 donors registered, 2 were deferred and we collected 24 units. You also had 2 first time donors.
Those 24 units will go towards saving up to 72 lives!
Thank you for your life saving impact. Your support proves to be an invaluable resource to the patients whose lives depend on it.
Behind all of the numbers, there are real people, real families and real hope!
Just in case you missed it, our special project team has been super busy.
Valentine's day was a hoot!
Our volunteers delivered special treats to the patients and the staff
on February 14, 2021!