Spring is in the air
Our Volunteers celebrated the first day of spring by passing out sunshine, Our dear volunteers Norma and Larry created these beautiful cards to pass out to help our visitors and patients have a sunshiny day.
Our Spring Blood Drive 2021
I thought you would be interested in hearing the finals results. We had 23 donors registered,
2 were deferred and we collected 24 units. We also had 2 first time donors.
Those 23 units will go towards saving up to 69 lives!
Thank you for your life saving impact. Your support proves to be an invaluable resource to
the patients whose lives depend on it.
Behind all of the numbers, there are real people, real families and real hope!
I thought you would enjoy hearing more:
Volunteer Appreciation Celebration
Huge Thank you to our amazing Volunteer team for servicing the hospitals in all the amazing, unique ways that you do. Our team is amazing, fun, and here for every different reason, but comes supports, helps and smiles, and brings sunshine to so many peoples days! Thank you!
Another huge shout out to Shellie Jackman and Casey Jackman for supporting this amazing team and getting us out of the hospital for a lovely appreciation luncheon to celebrate volunteer appreciation week 2021! Thank You!
Shellie, Casey, Jessie, and Genaro
Annette, and Katie
Larry and Norma
Myrna, and Dave
Paulette, and Dennis
(Not all photographs have been posted)
Lets Talk about Snacks, we all love them and our amazing volunteer team is changing the morale of the hospital with special visits and special snacks at a time!
Everyday Heroes
Here's to the everyday heroes,
The volunteers who do what they can,
To ease the suffering of others,
And be of service to their fellow man.
May they know the true satisfaction
That comes from helping others
Less fortunate than themselves,
But no less their sisters and brothers.
May they feel the gratitude in our hearts
For all of the good that they've done.
The appreciation that we all feel for them
Is truly second to none.
If you have any friends or family that want to join our volunteer team please contact Velisha Howard.