The Beat - Week 49
Quote of the Day
“Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more!.” - - The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Fun Facts
Each year about 1.76 billion candy canes are made and 90% of candy canes are sold between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Find More Facts About Candy Canes Here
Photo of The Week
Thanks to everyone who came out to sign the beam!
(Have a fun photo you would like to share in The Beat? Submit it here or email
Department Highlight |
Connections Therapy
We are licensed, certified and dedicated therapists providing the very best therapies in a warm and welcoming environment. We are truly committed to providing the highest quality and most state-of-the-art services to our patients and their families. You can count on our staff to provide high-quality care, listen to concerns, and collaborate with other medical professionals. We go above and beyond in making sure each patient's individual needs are met.
Speech Therapy
We can help children and adults produce speech sounds and words correctly to increase their communications skills.
Occupational Therapy
We can help build the skills for the activities of daily life.
Language Therapy
We can help increases your loved one's ability to share their thoughts and ideas and understand others.
Physical Therapy
We can help develop and restore physical coordination and strength for your daily routines.
Message From Administration
Construction Update
Construction will begin on the main entrance of Mountain View Hospital starting Decemeber 10th, permanently closing it until the completion of the new hospital. The new entrance will provide a larger roundabout and covered walkway from the parking garage. We have included some architectural renderings below to show exactly what it will look like when completed. We know this will cause some hurdles for our patients and appreciate your continued commitment to patient care. We are honored with such an amazing team that puts us at the forefront of healthcare in Southeast Idaho.
On the map below you can see that the temporary entrance will be located just to the east of the main entrance by Physical Therapy and Imaging. Starting October 25th, patients will be able to park in our new parking garage. As more information is available we will continue to update this page.
Architectural Rendering
Mountain View Hospital in The News
Idaho Suicide Rate Raises in 2017
Recent Office Moves

News From HR
Blood Drive
December 10th, 2018
12:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Hampton Inn
2500 Channing Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Upcoming Events
News From Community Care
News From The Warehouse
Just a friendly reminder that the hours of operation for the Warehouse are 6:30am – 3:00pm.
The warehouse will be closed on Thanksgiving day, Friday, November 23rd, Christmas day and New Year’s day. In case of an emergency, please call Julie McMurtrey on 208-569-8964.
Contact information:
Tay Misseldine (purchasing): 208-529-4195
Receiving dock: 208-529-4419
Julie McMurtrey (supervisor): 208-529-4165
Chad Nield (assisting outside clinics): 208-681-2030.
Mountain View Hospital
5370 Herend Drive
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
News From Volunteers
News From Payroll
Employees, if you miss a punch DO NOT clock in and out (double punch) at the end of your shift, please leave the missed punch as a missed punch.
• Use the Add Punch Change Request from your timecard
• Enter the correct date, Punch Details – In Day, Out Lunch, etc., Add the time, and reason.
• Click Add Request
Worked hours and On Call hours cannot be greater than 24 hours. On call hours would need to be adjusted for a total to equal 24 hours.
Timecard approval and requests can be done from any device that is supports the internet.
Managers, please DO NOT Mass Approve timecards - missed punches, double punches, and worked / on-call hours more than 24 hours for a day need to be addressed. The only exception to more than 24 hours a day would be Cash Outs for PTO.
The pay period ending December 22, 2018, needs to be approved before noon on Sunday, December 23, 2018. Since Christmas is an observed holiday by the banks and Paycom, we have to process payroll a day earlier on Monday. *Disclosure – what is on your timecard Monday morning, December 24, 2018, is what will be processed.*
News From Pharmacy
News from the Teton Grill and Mountain View Hospital Café
For the convenience of our hospital staff and patient families and visitors, the café will be open from 7:00 am to 2:00pm on Saturdays when surgeries are scheduled. We will be offering everything on our grill menu and all of our grab and go snacks and beverages. Tentatively we are scheduled to be opened on October 20th, November 3rd, 10th & 17th, and December 1st, 15th and 29th. This schedule is subject changed based on the surgery schedule.
News From IT
News From Infection Control
News About PolicyStat
The Mountain View Hospital Policy Manual is available electronically through the intranet home page. Each policy has been developed to ensure that MVH performs to the highest standards of service and healthcare, therefore it is essential that these guidelines are communicated throughout the organization. MVH employees will be assigned policies through the PolicyStat program where they will be required to read and acknowledge understanding of each allocated policy and its progressive updates.
To locate what policies are assigned to you:
1. Log into the "PolicyStat (Policy & Procedures Manual)" on the MVH intranet home page.
(An email notification will be sent from the program once the assignment has been made, you can follow that link.)
2. Refer to the "Home" tab and scroll down to the "Policies Awaiting Acknowledgment" section.
3. Click on the header to access your assigned policy documents. Open each policy*, read through it and click the blue button on the bottom I have read and understood this policy.
*If there are questions regarding information contained in any policy, please direct them first to your manager, then to the policy’s owner.