The Beat - Week 35

Quote of the Day
"To learn, you have to listen. To improve, you have to try." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Fun Facts
Since 1955, the official NFL footballs have been made at the Wilson factory in Ada, Ohio. Each football is handmade from cowhide sourced from Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa.
Photo of The Week
Rainbow over the construction on Channing Way
(Sent in by Marnae Munns)
(Have a fun photo you would like to share in The Beat? Submit it here or email
Department Highlight |
Eastern Idaho Foot Clinic
Jerry D. Cooper, DPM
Dr. Cooper is a Southeast Idaho native. He grew up in Shelley, ID where he graduated from Shelley High School. He went to college in Des Moines, Iowa and did his residency in Denver, CO with the VA. After Podiatry school, he decided to return home and set up practice in Idaho Falls. He has been in practice for over 25 years. A fun fact about his family is that two out of his seven children are currently doctors themselves, and a third one who is in medical school.
Some people don't really know what Podiatrist do. He specializes in anything foot and ankle. We do ingrown toenails, bunions, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, breaks, sprains, diabetes, orthotics, gout, athletes feet, fungal nails, etc.., pretty much any foot problem and some ankle. If your feet hurt we can help you. We see patients of all ages, you are never too young or too old to see us. He is passionate about what he does and is very good at it. He doesn't even complain about the nasty smelly feet!! If you think you have nasty feet... we can beat that one, so don't be afraid to come in and let us see.
If you have any questions or need an appointment please call Marnae or stop by and see our "new" location at 2610 Channing Way. 208-523-2928
Message From Administration
Due to construction on the front entryway of the hospital, starting Aug. 30th, 2018, The Hillyard Conference Room will be shut down permanently. All meetings scheduled after that date will be deleted. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, you can stop at the Information Desk, or contact Joni Lindberg at (208) 557-2700.
Thank you!
Recent Office Moves
2060 S. Woodruff Ave. Idaho Falls, ID. 83404 (Old Teton Spine and Sports Pain Center)
- Finance
- Marketing/Sales/Physician Relations
- Members of Administration
- Mark Hall
- Casey Jackman
- Amy Larsen
- Jona Hansen
- Brittany Russell
- Jerri Woodhouse
- Education
- QA
- Auditing Team
News From HR
Employee EAP Newsletter - August
Balanced Living Newsletter - August
Delta Dental -Pain Relief for Wisdom Teeth Naturally
Upcoming Events
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
News From Teton Grill and Mountain View Café
We haven't updated our prices in a while and found that we needed to make some changes to bring prices in line with our actual costs.
You will find that some items are priced the same, but others have either gone up or come down in price.
All items will be clearly marked for your convenience. We will also update the Grill Menu located on the intranet to indicate all updated prices.
Thank you
News From Education
All LPNs licensed in the state of Idaho are required to renew their licenses by August 31, 2018. In order for the Education Department to track this, all LPNs have been assigned a course in Bridge (LPN License Renewal 2018). This course will be completed by Debbie Norris (or someone else in Education) when you have emailed her at and notified her that you have updated your license.
News From Infection Control
News About PolicyStat
The Mountain View Hospital Policy Manual is available electronically through the intranet home page. Each policy has been developed to ensure that MVH performs to the highest standards of service and healthcare, therefore it is essential that these guidelines are communicated throughout the organization. MVH employees will be assigned policies through the PolicyStat program where they will be required to read and acknowledge understanding of each allocated policy and its progressive updates.
To locate what policies are assigned to you:
1. Log into the "PolicyStat (Policy & Procedures Manual)" on the MVH intranet home page.
(An email notification will be sent from the program once the assignment has been made, you can follow that link.)
2. Refer to the "Home" tab and scroll down to the "Policies Awaiting Acknowledgment" section.
3. Click on the header to access your assigned policy documents. Open each policy*, read through it and click the blue button on the bottom I have read and understood this policy.
*If there are questions regarding information contained in any policy, please direct them first to your manager, then to the policy’s owner.