The Beat - Week 33

August 14th, 2018
Quote of the Day
"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." ~ JFK
Fun Facts
There is actually a flower that smells like chocolate. Cosmos atrosanguineus, aka chocolate cosmos, is a plant from Mexico that can grow up to about 24 inches high and has a maroon-colored flower. It's famous for it's chocolate-y scent, but don't be fooled. No part of this plant is edible.
Photo of The Week
Mountain View Hospital construction at sunrise!
(Sent in by Jade Damian)
(Have a fun photo you would like to share in The Beat? Submit it here or email
Commitment to Excellence Award |
We have had 3 floods in the basement since we started construction on the new hospital (2 broken sprinkler heads and 1 drilling incident). Each time the basement floods, Carla and her team jump in and help us contain and clean up the water until the flooding stops and we can get a restoration company here. Most people aren’t aware that the water that comes out of the sprinkler lines is not particularly clean… in fact, it is black oily water that has been sitting stagnant for years which makes cleaning it up a very difficult, smelly job. The last flood we had was muddy, almost clay like water that came through the maintenance office ceiling. Kym Hall from housekeeping helped us contain the water as it was still coming through the ceiling while Carla and several other housekeepers started wiping down and sanitizing medical equipment that had been splattered by the muddy water. We appreciate all that Carla and her team do for us on a daily basis but especially appreciate their willingness to jump in and get their hands (and everything else) dirty when we need them the most!
If I may, I would love to nominate the housekeeping department. They truly are an awesome team of hardworking people with a pretty thankless job. The floods were a major mess and had the potential to ruin a great deal of expensive equipment as well as important documents that were, unfortunately, located directly in and below the flooding areas. In each of the incidents housekeeping quite literally “dove in” immediately, efficiently and with a positive attitude. They, without a doubt, went above and beyond to help out in three very critical situations. We cannot possibly thank Carla and her team enough for their service to us and to Mountain View in general. They are SO deserving of the thanks and recognition that I suspect they rarely get. Please accept my nomination of the whole Housekeeping department for the incredible job they do every day.
I would like to nominate Chris Trubl from the Blackfoot Medical center for the Commitment to Excellence award. The reason I want to nominate him is because I have never seen someone more dedicated to work than he is. However he doesn't just commit to excellence at work, he commits to it in life. Last month he was in an accident that because of his training and his strive for excellence he saved a man's life. Chris was helping a younger couple jump start their vehicle, and during the process, he looked up and saw that there was a vehicle heading straight for them. He was able to jump out from between the two cars but unfortunately, the gentleman that he was helping did not. After making sure that his family were all okay he started checking on the other people at the scene; soon realizing that the guy that was with him between the vehicles was not in sight. At that point, he went from being an accident victim to a health care professional and started to look for the guy. After a few minutes, he found the gentlemen floating the channel and without even hesitating he jumped in the get him. Chris got him onto the surface and started to perform CPR and got the gentlemen's pulse back and was able to keep him stable till paramedics arrived. He is dedicated to his job and his training, constantly coming up with ways for him to be able to improve the morale of his staff and make Blackfoot Medical Center a fun but professional place to be. I feel that he is the definition of commitment to excellence and we are lucky to have him as part of Mountain View Hospital.
Shout Outs
We have our admissions clerk Cami Aikens who has been at Community Care Pocatello since the day we opened retiring this Thursday. She has been such a great asset to this facility that I would love to do a shout out to her.
I wanted to recognize a team member and let them know that I appreciate his honesty and the fact that there are still good people in this world! I recently lost my wedding ring, (which I have only had for 4 months). Mike Brooks from surgery, found it in the back parking lot and turned it into Nan, his manager. I was so relieved when the envelope, with the ring inside, was handed to me. I am very grateful for the concern and help from coworkers and others that took the time to help me get my ring back.
Mary constantly goes above and beyond her expected duties to ensure that both patients and lab staff are well taken care of. She will come in during odd hours of the night to make sure that the night techs are well taken care of. She makes sure that everyone in the lab has a voice, even the lab assistants, no matter how new or experienced they are. She is always looking for ways that we can improve our patient care or the logistical aspects of the lab.
I would like to nominate Rosalie Evans for the commitment to excellence award. She is responsible for making sure everything related to lab testing at CC Rigby is compliant with CLIA regulations. She ensures that all the analyzer QC and calibrations are being done correctly and documented correctly. If there are any issues with the analyzer, she troubleshoots and resolves the issue as quickly as possible to minimize down time and delay in patient care. She ensures all testing personnel have been trained and deemed competent to perform testing on patient samples. She keeps up with policies and procedures to ensure they are accurate and up to date. She assigns proficiency testing to all the nursing staff and submits the data to a CLIA approve proficiency agency. She monitors all these areas of laboratory testing, identifies errors and issues, corrects them and documents all corrective actions. She also works closely with the lab’s technical consultant, Sarah O’Brien, to ensure that she has done everything required for compliance with CLIA regulations. She somehow finds time to do all this and still keep up with all of her other nursing related duties. On 6/27/18 Community Care Rigby’s lab was inspected by CLIA and received a “zero citation” score. This truly was a historical moment for the lab. In 20 years, I have never seen a perfect score be given in an inspection. The inspector told us that this was the very first time she has ever given out a perfect score. I am so incredibly proud of Rosalie and the staff at Community Care Rigby for their hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence. They made the “impossible” possible and I am so grateful that I was there to witness it. Please join me in an enormous round of applauds for Rosalie and her team! I would like to nominate Rosalie Evans for getting a perfect score on her CLIA inspection at Rigby CC. It is unheard of to get a perfect score.
I would like to nominate Dave Hamblin in IT for the commitment to excellence award. Dave has ALWAYS been so helpful and kind to work with. He goes above and beyond to fix any issues I have with my computers, as well as anyone in the Business Office. I recently got a new laptop, and was struggling to get it setup the way I needed it. He stayed up until 2 in the morning one night (he was on call), to help me get it just the way I wanted. That just shows that he is a huge asset to MV and that he doesn’t consider this as just his “job”. He cares about doing the best he can, and obviously contributes greatly to our needs as a hospital. We are all very lucky to have him.
I would just like to nominate Danielle Poliski for the Commitment to Excellence award. I have had the pleasure of working with Danielle since she started at Mountain View. She always goes above and beyond, not only for the patient but for her coworkers as well. Anytime we are shorthanded she is the first one to volunteer to pick up the slack, stay late, come in early, anything she needs to do to get the job done. She is such a hard worker and so dedicated to her job. Always striving to learn new things and keeps updated on our ever-changing department. Danielle is always upbeat and easy to be around. She definitely brightens up any room and is such a positive influence to be around.
I would like to nominate the best nurse EVER, Candice Beck from Teton Cancer Institute for the Commitment to Excellence Award. Candice has been an oncology nurse for over 5 years which is NOT an easy job!! She came to us from EIRMC where she was a psych nurse and ICU. She is a very skilled RN with a lot of knowledge and experience. She is so caring and compassionate. I have patients that tell me.. "Oh I love Candice, she is so sweet. I call to see if she is working and if she isn't I reschedule my appointment. I don't want anyone but Candice working on me. She is the best!!" She truly cares about her patients AND their families. She is so compassionate. She supports them in and out of the office doing kind things for them for Christmas and fund raisers. Buying socks for her "special" kid because his feet are large and the kids packs have small socks. Her heart breaks every time she loses one of her patients. They are like family to her. She just knows they are on a wonderful vacation and they will be back. They stay in her heart as well as the other nurses at TCI. One patient in particular, "Charlie" wanted to adopt her. They had a very special bond and she helped him to the very end and made his cancer journey bearable. At the TAPAS for TATAS one year I had the pleasure to sit at TCI's table. When the song came on and they showed the pictures of the survivors and the ones they lost too soon, you knew which table were the nurses because they were balling their eyes out. It still makes me tear up to think about it. They are a very special breed. She cares about her nurses and does special things for them. One Christmas she gave them all handmade dish clothes and towels with a cute little saying. Of course she didn't make them her mom did. She planned on only a few and in the end there were dozens because everyone wanted one. She will work extra hours and her weekend off to make sure her nurses are safe and have time with their families. She is an amazing nurse, person, dog mom, employee, aunt, daughter, wife, friend. Mountain View is lucky to have her!!!
Nate always goes out of his way to connect with every single one of our patients. It is incredible to me some of the ideas that he has to make them feel special and important. He does things that nobody else would even think to do. He really listens and takes time to find out what our patients likes, dislikes and interests are. We had a patient that LOVES Neil Diamond, and the patient mentioned that the next day was Neil’s birthday. Nate took the time to buy a small cake, and then personalized it for our patient. The expression on our patient’s face was priceless, and the joy that it brought to her was incredible. Thank you Nate for the love you show for not only our patients but for your co-workers too! You are amazing!
I am writing you to nominate Marisela Gomez from Blackfoot Pain and Spine for the commitment to excellence award. Marisela is someone that I look up to and who we could all aspire to be like. I would like to tell you a little about her .Marisela is the mother of four children. She works full time as an Medical Assistant at Blackfoot Pain and Spine. She is completely dedicated to her family and to her job. She is always the first one in the door and the last one to leave for the day. She goes above and beyond in every way possible. She never sits idly and is always looking for ways to improve and help others. She is the easiest person to get along with. She is a problem solver and a huge asset to our team. Marisela works so much in order to provide a wonderful life for her children. She values education and wants her kids to succeed. She is currently paying for her oldest son to attend college at ISU. She has said that as long as he gets good grades she will support him through school. We really could not function without Marisela. She is a friend to all that know her. Patients love her and request her care. The doctor's rely heavily on her and her experience. I think it's important to take time to say thank you to those who make a difference and who go above and beyond. For these, and so many other reasons, are why I am highly recommending her for this award.
Ali Suter has been such an asset to our team here at Pain and Spine Specialists of Idaho. She has been a great mentor to so many of our employees and she is part of the reason why our team is so great. With our rapidly growing clinic she has taken the primary responsibly to train new medical assistants. She does this willingly and very efficiently. She is always at work ready for whatever task that is sent her way. She makes sure our patients are taken care of with whatever concerns they have. Ali is a hard worker who loves her job. She is someone we can rely on not only to perform her regular duties, but she goes above and beyond.
I would like to nominate Kellie Wilde. She is always so willing to go above and beyond for our patients and her team members. She is always looking for an opportunity to help others around her and does such an amazing job!
Message From Administration
Due to construction on the front entryway of the hospital, starting Aug. 30th, 2018, The Hillyard Conference Room will be shut down permanently. All meetings scheduled after that date will be deleted. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, you can stop at the Information Desk, or contact Joni Lindberg at (208) 557-2700.
Thank you!
New Providers
- Andy Cooper
- Jared Manwaring
- Brandon Mennear
- Ryan Miller
- Bryan Van Dyke
- Travis Erickson
- Mark Lupton
- Brodi Smith
- Richard Runyon
- Julie Heier
- Stephanie sander
- Kevin Lee
- Travis Torngren
News From HR
Employee EAP Newsletter - August
Balanced Living Newsletter - August
Delta Dental -Pain Relief for Wisdom Teeth Naturally
Upcoming Events
Join The United Way of Idaho Falls & Bonneville County at The Waterfront at Snake River Landing for the 2018 Live United Concert Series.
Concerts are free, family-friendly, and open to the public. Food and drink are available for purchase during the event.
This week's Community Engagement Project: Kids Coats, Shoes, and Books
It may be hot outside, but chilly winter months are just ahead. Help local children stay warm by bringing kids' coats and shoes. We will also be collecting new, and gently-used, children's books.
News From Education
All LPNs licensed in the state of Idaho are required to renew their licenses by August 31, 2018. In order for the Education Department to track this, all LPNs have been assigned a course in Bridge (LPN License Renewal 2018). This course will be completed by Debbie Norris (or someone else in Education) when you have emailed her at and notified her that you have updated your license.
News From Infection Control
News About PolicyStat
The Mountain View Hospital Policy Manual is available electronically through the intranet home page. Each policy has been developed to ensure that MVH performs to the highest standards of service and healthcare, therefore it is essential that these guidelines are communicated throughout the organization. MVH employees will be assigned policies through the PolicyStat program where they will be required to read and acknowledge understanding of each allocated policy and its progressive updates.
To locate what policies are assigned to you:
1. Log into the "PolicyStat (Policy & Procedures Manual)" on the MVH intranet home page.
(An email notification will be sent from the program once the assignment has been made, you can follow that link.)
2. Refer to the "Home" tab and scroll down to the "Policies Awaiting Acknowledgment" section.
3. Click on the header to access your assigned policy documents. Open each policy*, read through it and click the blue button on the bottom I have read and understood this policy.
*If there are questions regarding information contained in any policy, please direct them first to your manager, then to the policy’s owner.