Highlights: Coat Drive 2021, American Red Cross Blood Drive, Estate Planning Seminar, Christmas Basket Raffle, Snappy Gifts, and holidays!
The Beat November
Highlights: Al's Corporate Night, Commitment to Excellence nominations, Estate Planning Seminars, and new AEDs!
The Beat October
Highlights: Breast Cancer Awareness, Coat Drive, Flu Clinic, and more!
The Beat September
Highlights: All Hands Lunch, Blood Drive, Message from IT, and more!
The Beat August
Highlights: All Hands Lunch, Blood Drive, Message from IT, and more!
The Beat July
Highlights: Riverfest, Blood Shortage, Employee Spotlight, C2E, Relay for Life, Nicu Babies, and more!
The Beat June
Highlights: Nicu prep, Relay for Life, Message from IT/Security, Lagoon Tickets
The Beat May
Highlights: Lagoon Tickets for Sale, HealthStream Courses, Employee Spotlights, Cell Phone Cleanliness Study, Employee Discounts, and more!
The Beat Week 14
Highlights: Lagoon Tickets for Sale, Commitment to Excellence Nominations, Employee Spotlight, Employee Discounts, Nutritional Services Job Openings
The Beat Week 13
Highlights: Employee Discounts, Intranet Tips, Nutritional Services Job Openings
Past Editions of The Beat