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Where to go for MVH L&D

When you are coming to MVH L&D, always come to the front entrance of the hospital.

If it is after 9:00 pm, please use the doorbell and someone from admissions will let you in.

Your Time Here

Every mother's journey is different. Active labor often lasts anywhere from 12 to 24 hours. Usually, your provider will want you to come to the hospital to be checked when your contractions are five minutes apart, lasting 60 seconds, and have been occurring for at least 1 to 2 hours.

This is just a rule of thumb. Remember to follow your provider's advice, listen to your body, and do what you think is best for you and your baby.

Scheduled Induction

  1. Call an hour before your induction time to ensure we have a room ready for you. For example, if your induction is at 6:00am, call at 5:00 am
  2. Eat a light breakfast before coming to the hospital
  3. Check in with admissions before coming up to the L&D floor
  4. Bring ID and insurance card with you
  5. Vaginal deliveries can stay from 24-48 hours after delivery

Scheduled Cesarean Delivery

  1. Call one hour before your check in time to ensure we have a room available
  2. No eating and drinking after midnight the night before your C-Section
  3. Please check into admissions 2.5 hours before your schedule C-Section. For example, if your C-Section is at 7:00 am please check in at 4:30am
  4. Check in with admissions before coming up to the L&D floor
  5. Bring ID and insurance card with you
  6. C-Section deliveries can stay 48-72 hours from delivery

When to come to Labor and Delivery

  • Come to the L&D floor when you experience any of these things
    • Contractions that are regular, getting longer, and stronger
    • Water breaks, gush of fluid, or leaking fluid – note time, color of fluid, and odor if any
    • Bright red vaginal bleeding
    • Decreased fetal movement or any other unusual changes
    • Sudden onset or severe headache that is not relieved by Tylenol
    • Visual disturbances such as blurry or spotted vision
    • Sudden increase in swelling of hands, feet or face
  • You can always call MVH Labor and Delivery at 208-557-2729
  • You can always call your on call provider